Monday, 27 March 2017

Transport logistics

A canoe and 2-seater cars just don't go well together.

Whilst I might be the proud owner of an ageing MGB I have to concede that it doesn't lend itself well as a means of transport for a canoe.

Ok, so it won't go on it, what about trying in it instead.

There ain't a lot of room for the driver but it's a nice colour-match (perhaps the police might think it's an accessory). One last plan.....could it go in the Smart?

That'll be a "no" then. Clearly a plan-B in needed.

Tuesday, 21 March 2017


Andrew Wellock

Approximately 250,000 people throughout the Yorkshire region are diagnosed with cancer every year (Cancer Research UK) and with each diagnosis there are so many more friends, family and loved ones who are also affected.

Cancer Support Yorkshire hear lots of personal stories - happy ones and sad ones too. One common feeling hidden within each and every story, no mater how big or small, is the feeling of Hope.

It might be; Hope for a successful recovery, Hope for pain-free treatment, Hope for well days or for some people Hope for the people who are left behind.
(from Cancer Support Yorkshire, Hope webpage)

Cancer Support Yorkshire continues to provide invaluable support, as Andrew Wellock can testify to over the weeks and months of his long and painful treatment.

Click here to visit the Cancer Support Yorkshire webpage to see how the charity has helped other sufferers and their families.

As for us, the JustGiving page is now set up, so please feel free to donate to support us to support Cancer Support Yorkshire (that's a lot of support, still, somewhat fittingly, any support in a storm).

Click here to visit page

Sunday, 19 March 2017

The boat

Leeds Canoe Club kayak

Well, we are getting nearer! Our initial lack of canoe has been solved through our having access to a kayak care of the Leeds Canoe Club which we are hoping they will let us borrow before the event so we can get plenty of training in.

A 2-seater kayak in purple which clashes a little with the Cancer Support Yorkshire T-shirts! It certainly should be easy to spot us on the canal in July and we hope that people will support us along the route. 

Comments welcome please for names for the boat.

So, we have the charity, we have the schedule, we have the boat, all we need now is time to get fitter. We also have a support crew but more of that in a subsequent blog.

Saturday, 18 March 2017

The Schedule

The 5-Rise locks, Bingley (pic by permission of Pennine Waterways)

So here's the plan. We set off from Liverpool on 9th July and aim to arrive Goole on15th July. The support we have received from places along the way is fantastic ranging from free accommodation even  an offer of meeting with a nationwide PR company that is really going to give things a push (including, hopefully, the canoe).

The schedule for the 160 mile trip is

Sun 9th  Liverpool - Newburgh 26 miles
Mon 10th Newburgh - Chorley 22 miles
Tues 11th Chorley - Burnley 24 miles
Wed 12th  Burnley - Skipton 26 miles
Thurs 13th Skipton - Leeds 29 miles
Fri 14th Leeds - Castleford 16 miles
Sat 15th Castleford - Goole 17 miles

Friday, 10 March 2017

The charity


"Sounds like a great plan, if slightly mad" was what an old friend said on FB and it got me thinking about why does anyone ever choose to do anything. Sometimes it might be for enjoyment or it might be just as a change or perhaps it might be a way of saying thanks. In Andrew's case this is his way of giving thanks to a group of people who have helped keep him going with his never-dampened enthusiasm. In my case it's cos I am indeed slightly mad.

To give a bit more detail about Cancer Support Yorkshire, and more especially "Andrew's story" click here

It's stories like Andrew's that drive people on to doing things that while they might be out of their comfort-zone they can help charities like Cancer Support Yorkshire to continue to give their invaluable support to families who might suffer in the future.

That's why Andrew wants to canoe 160 miles (originally in 8 days but now in 7, we have trimmed a day off!) so that his efforts can help raise funds for the work of Cancer Support Yorkshire so please look out for the Just Giving Page (don't worry we'll let you know when it's published!).

For me, I'm doing it cos I am slightly mad.